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HomeLifeStyle7 Best Toothpaste in India! that will be more Beneficial for your...

7 Best Toothpaste in India! that will be more Beneficial for your Tooth

Best Toothpaste in India. Oral hygiene is an integral part of our overall health. But which toothpaste are you using? Have you been using Colgate?

It is very Important to use the right toothpaste. Now, the thing is that there are n number of toothpastes in the market. Every other moth there is a new toothpaste  been lunched. how do we decide which toothpaste to buy or use. here we we will tell you about the Best Toothpaste in India that will keep teeth healthy and strong.

Best Toothpaste in India!

1. Vajradanti Vicco, Red Dabur:

In my opinion, it is the best toothpaste available in the Indian market. Dabur Red toothpaste which has herbal ingredients, no flouride and not even artificial colours. it is a great choice.

Vicco Vajardanti which is a complete ayurvedic toothpaste devoid of any chemicals, flouride and artificial colours.

It is the only toothpaste among the ones we have discussed that does not even uses any preservatives. It is a perfect blend of 18 Ayurvedic herbs and barks. It is totally safe for kids. It is also very cheap in comparison to other commercial toothpastes.

2. Ayush’s Rock Salt Toothpaste

It has all herbal ingredients and does not even has flouride in it. It however has artificial colours and preservatives in it.

One thing I want you to know is that not all toothpastes made by Ayush are non flouridated. For eg the clove toothpaste has flouride in it. So before you buy this brand, please check for it once.

3. Patanjali’a Dantkanti

This toothpaste is much better than the ones
we have discussed till now. It is made from no chemicals but herbal ayurvedic ingredients. It also does not have any artificial colours. However, the only thing which doesn’t let me recommend it to you is that it has flouride in it.

4. Meswak

Meswak is a non flouridated toothpaste but have almost the same chemicals as of those in category 7 including the harmful ones like sodium laureyl sulphate. Apart from SLS, they also contain Triclosan
which is another extremely dangerous chemical already banned in soaps. Triclosan is linked to breast and testicular cancer.

You will rarely find Triclosan in any toothpaste. Meswak and Colgate Total are among the rare ones. It also contains artificial colours and preservatives.

5. Himalaya’s Sparkling White Toothpaste

Toothpastes like Himalaya’s Sparkling white toothpaste which have chemical composition without harmful ingredients like Sodium Laureyl sulphate. Himalaya’s Sparkling white toothpaste also
does not have flouride in them. Surely, the toothpastes in this category are better than those in category 6 and 7 but still they are far from best.

6. Sensodyne

Toothpastes like Sensodyne which have almost the same chemical composition as that of toothpastes in category number 7 except that they do not contain harmfu chemicals like Sodium laureyl sulphate. Just like the toothpastes in category 7, they
also have artificial colours, preservatives and flouride in them.

7. Colgate, Pepsodant and Close up

These are commercial toothpaste which are so popular that for a major percentage of people toothpaste means colgate.

these are the toothpastes that include all chemical ingedients some of which are extremely harmful.

Sodium Laurayl sulphate is one exmaple. if you see sodium laureyl sulphate in the list of ingredients of your toothpaste, please consider changing it. It is because of SLS that you taste everything bitter just after brushing.

SLS also causes skin irritation and mouth ulser. SLS has registered as insecticide and is used in detergents. Regularly brushing teeth with a toothpaste containing SLS may lead to its deposits in the heart, liver, lungs and brain.

I hope now you got an idea if you need to change your toothpaste or not. And as I said if I did not talk about the toothpaste that you are using, please check it’s ingredients and it will surely fall under one of these 7 categories.

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