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HomeLifeStyleFatty Liver : Symptoms, Causes and Cure0!

Fatty Liver : Symptoms, Causes and Cure0!

Fatty liver is a problem which can be seen in adults, females and any person of any age and gender. Nowadays this problems is widely spread and out of 15 Indians , One indian is suffering from the same. Now this is a matter of concern because this is very dangerous. Due to this, people are suffering from various diseases too for example : Hight BP and cholesterol, Diabetes and many more.

This problem generally means the accumulation of fat in the liver. Now every liver consists of some fat that is said to be normal but more fat is a matter of concern. When a person has this problem l , it becomes very difficult for him to digest food and he faces many difficulties in digestion also.

Talking about the types :

so there are two major types:

  1. Alcoholic Fatty Liver : This type of condition is raised in people who consumes alcohol a lot. With time , the liver starts accumulating fat which worsens with time.
  2. Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver : Now , this arises in people who actually doesnt drink but due to their lifestyle and food habits , fat accumulates in their liver , making it difficult to digest he food.

Symptoms of Fatty Liver :

  1. Abdominal Pain : So the main symptom of this problem is abdominal pain . Pain near and around the abdominal .
  2. Fat accumulation : Fat accumulation in the stomach area and increase in the belly size.
  3. Difficulty Digesting Food : Difficulty in digesting anything we eat.
  4. Weakness :  A person might look healthy from outside but weak from inside .
  5. Dark Colored Urine : Darkening of the urine..
  6. Confusion and frustration : Confusion in understanding anything and irritation.

Causes of Fatty Liver :

  1. Obesity : One of the major reason of this problem is obesity. Nowadays our daily habits are changed alot and we are consuming fast food more rather than home made food. Our daily activity is zero which leads to the fat accumulation and raises so many problems like fatty liver , HighBP etc.
  2. Insulin resistance : Insulin resistance is one of the causes of this problem. Our body doesn’t  react to the insulin as required leading to weight gain .
  3. High Cholesterol : high bp leads to this problem as our body and blood has more fat and so does the liver.

Cure for Fatty Liver:

Now the main point is , how can this problem be cured because half of the population is suffering from the same due to daily inactivity . Cure for any disease is mostly the physical exercises , hard work , physical work but lets see some more important changes one can do in their lives to cure the disease:

  1. Lifestyle Changes : Switching to home made food and saying no to the outside food can help. Fast foods are deep fried which consists of trans fats and causes fat accumulation in the liver. So better to quit the outside food and start cooking ourselves to make us and our family healthier.
  2. Physical Activity : Nowadays we are too busy in our lives that we have stops are physical movements. We should walk atleast 7000 steps in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle . We should work out for atleast 150 minutes a week.
  3. Nutrient , fibre rich foods: One should have nutrient rich and fibre rich diet and limit the carbohydrates diet in order to achieve a healthy body . protein is very important for the body so one should aim for atleast 50gm protein a day.
  4. Nuts and seeds : Nuts and seeds helps in curing the disease. One can have almonds , walnuts , chia seeds , flax seeds , pumpkin seeds , sunflower seeds and watermelon seeds in their food so as to cure the disease .
  5. Have regular checkups : One should go for regular checkups in order to know about the disease which will help us curing this soon!


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