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How to make your day productive!( 7 habits and ways )

Productive day tips for students

In this era of thousands distractions, students are suffering to follow a healthy and good daily routine. The lifestyle has totally changed in the past 10 years which is leading to unhealthy lifestyle. Now, unhealthy lifestyle has so much to do with our physical health and mental health. Unhealthy lifestyle leads to unhealthy body due to which more than 60% of youth is suffering with diseases and obesity and unhealthy body leads to unhealthy mind.

So, in this article we gonna talk about how can we make our day productive which will help us in building healthy lifestyle and healthy life. A productive day is very important for us to focus on ourselves , our studies , our goals and at this end of this we will be able to boost our confidence. But a productive day needs a good amount of time management , planning and deep focus. So lets discuss some habits and tips to make ourselves and our day productive.

7 ways to make your day productive!

  1. Have a morning and night routine.

Having a fixed morning and night routine is very important. Your wake up time and sleep time should be fixed. Make sure you wake up around 6:00 a.m in the morning and sleep before 11:30 p.m in the night.

2.Morning Rituals.

There should be fixed morning rituals like waking up early in the morning, making your own bed , taking cold shower , meditation. All these helps in calming the mind and makes the day happier.

3. Plan your day a night before.

Plan and write down the important tasks you have to complete next day . This will save your time and you will have the target to complete for the next day.

Categorize the work into 3 types:

  1. Most Important Tasks: These tasks should be done first. They should be on the priority list . These can include assignments, deadlines, projects , homework etc.
  2. Average Tasks: These tasks can be done after doing most important tasks . These can be Reading a book, watering a plant , or doing something about your hobby.
  3. Least important tasks: These should be given least importance like if you want to complete a web series today just watch one episode. It is not very important to do every single day.
4.Time Management Techniques.

Managing time is very important. You can give the whole day to only one task. You cant waste time over useless things so you can follow some techniques like POMODORO technique and other techniques.

There should not be long study hours . Suppose you want to give 2 hours to one subject. So first study for half an hour and then take 10-15 mins break and then study again . After every half an hour , take a break of 10 mins. This will increase focus and sitting habit.

5. Organize for being productive.

One should stay organized for being productive. One should have a study space which should be organized. One can add books , sticky notes , different types of pens , highlighters for making notes.

You can also try to do lists and apps. And if you have a laptop you can make sticky notes there to remember each and every thing.

6. Journaling and socializing.

Journaling is very important if you want to make your life productive. WRITE!WRITE & WRITE! Writing down your feelings and about your day is very important. This helps in flushing up the negative thoughts and making you feel lighter.’

Socializing with your loved ones is very important . This helps in making you feel loved and happier. Start having conversations with your friends , your parents , your teachers. Spend time with yourself too. Because you are your bestfriend and you know yourself better.

7. Read and listen.

If you are a book lover, start reading books. This will help you feel good. Read different motivational books , novels and any book from your favourite genre. You can try listening a podcast.

You can learn more by listening. Make a habit of listening and start listening good stuff. This will make you knowledgeable.


Remember , if you are struggling with your life, seeking help doesnt make you uncool. You can go out and seek help. If you have a good understanding with your parents ask them out to help you in makin habits. But always remember only you can help yourself the best.

You can easily achieve your goals if you are disciplined. Discipline and consistency is the key for a healthy life.

You can try reading book – Atomic habits to build habits.

You can buy atomic habits from:

BUY Atomic Habits  in  English 

BUY Atomic Habits in Hindi



Also read:

  1. Poverty in India : Causes and Solutions !
  2. भारत में बेरोज़गारी (Unemployment ) की समस्या . ILO Report 2024

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