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HomeLifeStyleReasons behind Breast Cancer : A problem of today's era1

Reasons behind Breast Cancer : A problem of today’s era1

Breast cancer has become one of the most happening disease in 2024. Out of every 8 women 2 women are suffering from breast cancer in India. There are various stages of breast cancer which are actually life threatening. The people who are more prone to this disease might be from the age 15 years to 80 years old.

Breast cancer is a cancer which generally occurs in the females where there is the accumulation of cells in the breast tissue. Before there were so many cases where the breast cancer patients used not to live longer but now due to right treatment and cure the survival rate has generally increased and the death rate has become lower.

Its true that not every women gets the cancer but almost every women has the probability to get the same. There are various stages of the cancer and it can be cured with treatment.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer :

  1. Changes in Nipples : A person suffering with this type of cancer may notice some changes in the nipple or nipple area. There might be a noticeable lump or skin darkening or might be thick skin near the nipple area.
  2. Change in shape and size : There might be some changes in the shape sand size of the breast . In women having smaller breast , the breast may appear swollen  which can be the greatest symptom .
  3. Lumps :  People might notice some lump or a bunch of cells which might feel hard , these are lumps . These can be felt near underarms or sides of the breast.

Not all the lumps causes cancer . Some are just fat . So its not a matter of concern neither its dangerous to have lumps. Once can have prescribed medicine for melting the lumps.

Causes of Breast Cancer :

Causes of breast cancer may be anything.

*Some women get their periods at a very young age which can be one of the reasons for the cancer. Getting periods early gives rise to various problems.

*Some women has never gotten chance to become mothers and this too is the reason for the cancer.

*There are some families which has a family history of breast cancer which can be a great reason for the cancer. This can be genetic .

*Most of the women gets periods during menopause. During menopause there are so many hormonal changes which occurs in the women and that leads to blood clots in the body.

*Obesity too is one of the main factors of the occuerence of breast cancer in women . Obesity comes with so many problems and one of it is cancer . Other than this , there are higher chances of getting high BP m cholesterol and other problems with age and time.

Cure of breast cancer :

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight : Maintaining a healthy weight can help us in various ways. And this can help reducing the chances of cancer.
  2. Healthy diet : Healthy diet is also very important. Eat fibrous fruits and vegetables and use the fats in limited amount.
  3. Exercise : Being physically active can help in various ways. It helps our body tissues to cure themselves and body movements help in making us fit . Yoga can help in reducing the problems.
  4. Care during menopause : Women should take care of themselves during the times of menopause as this time there is a need of extra care .
  5. Routine checkups : Routine blood tests and other tests should be there to keep a check on the health.
  6. Self test : Self test during bathing should be done once a week in order to check if there is any occurence of lump or not .

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If you want more information about the cancers or any other disease , do visit :

Dr. Cuterus






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