Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeLifeStyleRise of Heart Attacks in young Indians : Causes and Cure1

Rise of Heart Attacks in young Indians : Causes and Cure1

We have often seen in past time that people in their 80’s used to get Heart Attacks and that too with age. The cases of heart attacks were very rare that even if someone used to get heart attack it would be unbelievable for the family and that was because in the 80’s and 90’s , people used to do so much hard work and physical work , that they rarely used to get any kind of disease.

As soon as we got in the years 2000’s , we got influenced by the western and foriegn culture and we started drinking cold drinks , we started having pizzas and so much unprocessed food that this kind of change our Indian Body couldnt adapt.

We are in 2024 and the rate of having unhealthy and fast food is on peak. Where some people enjoys having this food , there is some more percentage which just wants to show themselves cool . In this era , where the world is adopting Indian culture, we are blindly following the western one and that is only leading heart problems and various disease.

Today , every 5th Indian is dying from heart attack . We have seen some cases where young people are getting heart strokes and loosing their lives. Now , this is a matter of concern that at a very young age , people are loosing their lives.

Now lets see what exactly causes heart problems!

Causes of Heart Attacks:

  1. Unhealthy Lifestyle :  Poor diet and sedentary lifestyle leads to heart problem . People eat so much fat and unprocessed food that it leads to storage of fat in the arteries and leads to heart stroke.
  2. High BP and cholesterol :  High Bp leads to blockages and leads to heart attacks.
  3. Obesity or over weight :  When a person is obese , all other problems comes like cherry on top. Obesity calls High BP and cholesterol with itself.
  4. Family history : In some cases it was seen that a person , who has a family history of heart attacks are more likely to get heart attacks at an early age . They are at a higher risk that they can get heart related issues.
  5. No Activity : No activity is the problem of today . People loves staying inside their rooms and sleep and watch netflix rather than going outside and do some physical work . This leads to obesity.

Cure of heart problems :

  1. Active Lifestyle : Do follow an active lifestyle to get rid of heart problems or heart attacks . Person with no physical activity are more likely to get heart issues.
  2. Regular checkups : Every person should go for a full body checkup once in 6 months to get rid of disease. Regular checkups makes you clear about your health conditions.
  3. Regular medications : People having chloesterol and high bp should take medications on time and regularly to get rid of the disease and heart strokes.
  4. Managing the health conditions : One should manage the health conditions in order to get healthy . Adding fruits rich in fiber , vitamins to your diet can lead to better health conditions.


Its very important for a person to have basic knowledge about their body in order to cure themselves and follow an active lifestyle. People should also learn CPR so that if someone is in need , so we can save their lives.

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